Tony Lambert

njRAT Installed from a MSI

In my last post I walked through the analysis of an unusual MSI file that an adversary had tacked a STRRAT Java ARchive file to the end of the MSI contents. In this post, I want to walk through a m...

STRRAT Attached to a MSI File

Adversaries can get really creative with ways to hide and execute payloads. In this post I’ll cover one instance where an adversary appended STRRAT to a MSI file to make it look legitimate during a...

GuLoader Executing Shellcode Using Callback Functions

I personally despise trying to analyze shellcode, but shellcode is becoming more common in malware of all types. From Metasploit and Cobalt Strike to GuLoader, loads of malicious tools include shel...

HCrypt Injecting BitRAT using PowerShell, HTAs, and .NET

One of my colleagues made a statement recently about how commonplace process injection has become among malware, to the point where it seems adversaries don’t have to think about the injection tech...

BazarISO Analysis - Loading with Advpack.dll

Malware comes in all shapes and sizes, and in the case of BazarISO it comes in the form of an ISO file that contains a malicious shortcut and an executable. In this post I’ll tear apart the ISO to ...

Extracting Payloads from Excel-DNA XLL Add-Ins

A few different malware families have included Excel XLL add-in files as distribution mechanisms lately. These include IcedID and some commodity threats that HP’s security team documented as using ...

Emotet's Excel 4.0 Macros Dropping DLLs

It’s been a little while since I checked in on Emotet to see how its first stage loaders are doing. Lately the first stage has been using Excel 4.0 macros to drop payloads, so in this post I’ll wal...

Analyzing a CACTUSTORCH HTA Leading to Cobalt Strike

There are loads of different ways adversaries can distribute Cobalt Strike beacons and other malware. One of the common methods includes using HTML Application (HTA) files. In this post I’m going t...

Inspecting a PowerShell Cobalt Strike Beacon

In this post I want to take a look at a PowerShell-based Cobalt Strike beacon that appeared on MalwareBazaar. This particular beacon is representative of most PowerShell Cobalt Strike activity I se...

Looking at PowerPoint Macros with Olevba

In this post I want to walk through analysis of a malicious PowerPoint file using olevba. This tool allows you to view macros within Office documents without opening them. If you want to follow alo...